The Bay Area Association of Kidney Patients (BAAKP) was founded in 2007 as a 501c3 non-profit corporation with the mission to educate and support San Francisco Bay Area kidney patients. BAAKP is now composed of patients, friends and family of affected individuals, medical and ancillary professionals, and interested participants from all over the united States. There are currently over 1100 individuals on the BAAKP mailing list.
The activities of BAAKP include regular support group meetings in Palo Alto, Oakland, and San Francisco. Educational presentations include speakers on topics such as dialysis, kidney transplant, and diet. The Kidney Konnections newsletter is delivered to our members, transplant and dialysis centers via email and hard copies.
The mission to educate and support kidney patients is supported by generous donations from our members and by grants from allied medical organizations and drug companies.
Sign up now to join the Bay Area Association of Kidney Patients. Your membership and all of our activities are FREE! You can also use your skills, talents, and knowledge to help other kidney patients by joining the BAAKP Board of Directors or by volunteering at our events.
BAAKP Board of Directors

Phil Wyche, President

Debra Elmore, Executive Director

Marcus Wong, Treasurer

Linda Umbach, Director of Development

Rebecca Fletcher, Social Media Coordinator

Toni Rodolfo-Benson, Community Outreach

Bertha Dickerson, Community Outreach

Sherry Keith, Community Outreach

Ward Kallstrom, Program Director

Ole Dierks, M.D., Medical Advisor in Oakland, CA

Mitra Sorooshian, M.D., Medical Advisor in Mountain View, CA
Interested in joining our Board? Please e-mail or call (650) 323-2225 (BAAK).
BAAKP Awards
Congratulations to BAAKP on Support Group of the Year! #AAKP2016
— AAKP (@KidneyPatients) September 25, 2016
Awesome work done by our awesome award winners! @whatbugsmaycome @kidneywarrior @ESRDNCC @KidneyPatients #AAKP2016 national meeting
— iCare (@iCare_USC) September 25, 2016